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End of Lease Contract

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1End of Lease Contract Empty End of Lease Contract Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:10 pm


Arresto Menor

Pwede po matulungan kami, dahil away pong umalis yung isang worker ng kompanyang may kontrata sa aming. End of contract of lease na po noong Nov. 15, 2014 at nabigyan na silang lahat na worker ng separation pay ayon sa kompanya. Pinuntahan namin yun isang worker bakit hindi pa siya umaalis at ang dahilan ay kulang daw yun natangap niya. Ang sabi naman ng kompanya at ipinakita pa sa amin yung pinirmihan niya na katunayan payad na silang lahat. At dahil end of contract of lease na ang kompanya, wala na raw silang right sa taong iyun.
Pwede ba namin kasohan ng trespassing yung isang worker sa aming property dahil end of contract of lease na yun kompaniya?

2End of Lease Contract Empty Re: End of Lease Contract Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:29 am


Reclusion Perpetua


Bigyan niyo siya ng written demand to vacate. You can prepare this or ask a lawyer to draft one for you so that it will be signed by a lawyer. If, after that, ayaw pa rin umalis, pwede na siya kasuhan ng Unlawful Detainer.

If you need legal assistance on this, please send me a private message (PM) or send a direct email to

Atty. Katrina

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