Free Legal Advice Philippines
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Free Legal Advice Philippines

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Warrant of Arrest

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1Warrant of Arrest Empty Warrant of Arrest Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:59 pm


Arresto Menor

Dear Attorney,

Good morning po!

Gusto ko po sanag humingi ng legal advice regarding my pending case in the Philippines. I think last year po lumabas ang warrant of arrest against me. But Since 2012, wala na po ako sa Pinas and I want to face and finished this case para wala na po akong isipin pa. Hindi ko po alam ang status ng kaso ko now and kailangan ko po ng tulong nyo to be my lawyer and stand with me. Kung pwede po, bigyan nyo po ako ng contact details kung saan ko kayo pwede matawagan para makapagusap po tayo coz I am planning to go back to Philippines now. Gusto ko po malaman kung ano ano ang mga possiblities at pwede kong gawin base sa nature ng case ko. Salamat po.

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