Free Legal Advice Philippines
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Free Legal Advice Philippines

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Overseas Support

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1support - Overseas Support Empty Overseas Support Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:43 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Fellows,

Hope that you will be able to assist:

My client is doing an expansion project in Philippines, where they have engaged my firm (manpower firm) in country X to help them with the manpower needs in Philippines, due to the project ownership is to my client in Country X. The contract is signed between a Country X firm to a Country X firm. All my invoices also go to my client Country X company with VAT.
The work done is to recruit Filipinos locals for their Philippines entity. There is no transaction between the philippines entity and my firm in country X.

1. Can I check if this contravene any business act in Philippines? As of this moment of time, I have cleared my legality in Country X.

2. Should I want to have an official legal document, any advice how should it be drafted or any recommendation I can talk to?


2support - Overseas Support Empty Re: Overseas Support Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:48 pm


Arresto Menor

you should procure poea license to recruit overseas. today, your business is at risk either for illegal recruitment or illegal human traffickers.

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