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Unreleased employment certificate and final pay

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Arresto Menor

I resigned from my previous job last Dec. 19, 2012. I submitted my resignation letter 30 days before which is Nov. 19,2012. I am a newbie at the time and I was clueless on how a resignation process is supposed to be like. i returned to the office jan. 14, 2013 and it was only then that i was told that i need to submit a request for the release of my final pay and certificate. i was shocked as i realized that i wasted about a month and it added to the delay of the release. the most frustrating part is that until now, September 2013, i still havent received anything. i called for several follow ups since April 2013, and i was endorsed to someone from the HR who they said, is in charged of those things. he told me last may 29 that my clearance is already "OK" and that it is already pending for signature from the bosses. Since that day, MAY 29,2013, until TODAY, i keep calling every now and then and now they are telling me again that it is for signature. I am getting desperate and angry as it is obvious that all those times that i called for uodates they just told me alibis so that maybe i would stop bothering them. i have been patient LONG ENOUGH. any advise on what to do pleasE?Mad Mad 

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua

File a money claim at NLRC if your last pay is more than 5k

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