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Old Deed of Donation for Land Title

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1LAND - Old Deed of Donation for Land Title Empty Old Deed of Donation for Land Title Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:42 am


Arresto Menor

Hello Po,

'Would like to seek your advise.

My Lola donated 3 different lots to us (3 illegitimate children of my Dad but recognized and the pensioner of his SSS). I was 6 years old then when the donation was made and now I'm 33.

My lola passed away 16 years already and the documents we have is only a notarized Deed of Donation. Original title was with our Tita and the legitimate children of my papa is the one paying the buwis. Because they wanted to own the land too.

Now we can afford to do the titling of the Land, is this Deed of Donation can suffice the titling of the 3lots?
What are the processes  and what gov't agencies we would seek first to make titling possible?

Please help.

Thank you so much!


2LAND - Old Deed of Donation for Land Title Empty Re: Old Deed of Donation for Land Title Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:49 pm


Prision Mayor

HNDI AKO ABOGADO PERO MAY OPINION AKO SA PROBLEMA MO... itanong mo sa legal office ng municipio ninyo kung legal pang gamitin ang deed of donation ninyo? Kung oo, palagay ko kailangan ninyong magbayad ng donation tax sa BIR pero may penalty/compromise na kayo dahil sa failure of payment on the right time... try mo lang at walang mawawala sa iyo... good luck, God bless you.

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