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Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract

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1Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Empty Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:17 pm


Arresto Menor

My question is:

How does a lessee legally pre-terminate a 10 year lease contract without violating the "breach of contract" provision? The request for pre-termination was made since the lessee cannot afford to pay the monthly rental due to financial losses. Rather than default in the payment, the lessee, deemed it proper to formally inform the lessor to avoid legal problems.

Can the pre-termination proceed even if the lessor is not amenable to this? The lessee is willing to give to the lessor the one-storey concrete building consisting of five rooms to the lessor. Can the lessor still pursue legal action against the lessee?

Thank you.


2Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Empty Re: Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:11 am



when there is breach, there is always liability for damages. but how much will depend on the circumstances.

3Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Empty Pre-termination of Lease Contract Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:06 am


Arresto Menor

What if we the lessor, would like to use just a part of the rented space of our lessee. Magtatayo lang po ng business. How would we deal this issue? thank you po.

4Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Empty Re: Pre-Tremination of a Lease Contract Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:22 am


Arresto Menor

Good morning..

I am new to this forum. If I may add a query here regarding termination of contract also or do I make another entry? Thanks

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