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Minimum wage earner with TAX?

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1Minimum wage earner with TAX? Empty Minimum wage earner with TAX? Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:39 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, ask ko lang po, possible ba to? Yung gf ko kasi, she is a minimum wage earner, yet their company is deducting them with tax. Meron daw batas na ganun sabi daw sa kanila ng HR.Di lang nya matandaan kung ano exactly yun. Possible po ba talaga yun? On what cases na kahit minimum wage ka lang eh may tax ka pa din?

Salamat po! Very Happy

2Minimum wage earner with TAX? Empty Re: Minimum wage earner with TAX? Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:58 pm


Arresto Menor

dears, im charles HR officer, ang lahat po ng minimum wage earner kahit anong amount ay NON TAXABLE po yun, yun po ang may batas under BIR. Pero kung halimbawang minimum wage earner ka pero you are receiving some amount like commission and etc. taxable na po yun. better check you payslip kung may deduction ng tax.

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