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tax for a land under judicial reconstitution..

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Arresto Menor

an awarded land was still under the name of NHA.. it is awarded to my grandfatther last 1973 coz it was fully paid on this year too but the title was not yet given under my grandfathers name dhil s kasama rw nasunog ang title ng lolo ko nung nasunog ang city hall ng quezon city and the title is still under JUDICIAL RECONSTITUTION if i am not mistakened.. there were certificates from the NHA tht proves the awarding of this land to my lolo. my problem now lies here. a tax notice was said been delivered last may 31 2011 stating a Php 285.000.00 tax balance.we didnot receive this notice and we were un aware tht a notice like this came coz we at tht tym were in the province and nobody from the place had given us this notice when we came. then last yr of november an inspector from the assesors office came to our place and told my mom to furnish documents from NHA and the CTC of land title is included in it and also a tech. description too, when we went to NHA they only gave us a new copy of the award certificate of the land to be shown to the assessors inspector and told me to explain that the title is still in NHA's legal dept for the judicial reconstitution of the title. afterwards when we talked to the inspector he said tht it may take time to complete the requirements that we were asking and NHA even said that too. he also explained that he still cannot asses or compute the tax for this coz the title is still not given to my grandfather even if the land is alrready awarded to him and that we have to wait for the title to be released and there will be court proceedings for the tax and the court will decide on how much tax will be given and the assesor's inspector even said that hopefully if you are lucky bka yung taon lang kung kelan marelease ang title ng lolo nyo ang babayaran nyo the inspectors words are very clear to me he even said to keep my fingers cross for this, but why there was a computation of Php 285.000.00 made last may 31, 2011. i just want to know if is it possible that they have computed this tax w/out the title yet and what about the inspector's words to me is that also possible? i am gettting confused about this, i just want to ask for your advice on this matter first before i go to the head of the assesors office to talk about the 285.000.00 tax imposed in our lot. bec it was the head of this office that told my mom of this tax.we only found out about this imposed tax this month of march.
Thank you and pls do advice me on this.

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