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Legality of my Parents' Marriage

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1Legality of my Parents' Marriage Empty Legality of my Parents' Marriage Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:33 pm


Arresto Menor

hi! i was going to apply for a passport for my mother. however, when i was completing the requirements, i found out that there were no records of her birth certificate (she was born on 1942) and my parents' marriage certificate in NSO. later on, my siblings told me that our parents got married only last 1985 in church. but their marriage certificate was not filed in local civil registry. they had been together since 1964 and produced 8 children. is their marriage considered legal? if not, how can we make it legal? what if my father was married to another woman before my mom? my father is sick now and weak. as our parents' children, we will do all things possible for our mother to be the legal beneficiary just in case our father passes away.

2Legality of my Parents' Marriage Empty Re: Legality of my Parents' Marriage Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Where you get your parents the marriage certificate? (found out that there were no records of her birth certificate (she was born on 1942) and my parents' marriage certificate in NSO.)
You have already copy of Marriage contract of your parents from NSO.

3Legality of my Parents' Marriage Empty Re: Legality of my Parents' Marriage Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:00 pm


Arresto Menor

advice_from_you wrote:Where you get your parents the marriage certificate? (found out that there were no records of her birth certificate (she was born on 1942) and my parents' marriage certificate in NSO.)
You have already copy of Marriage contract of your parents from NSO.
what?? let me rephrase/ restate. wala nga pong record sa NSO ng marriage certificate nila.

4Legality of my Parents' Marriage Empty Re: Legality of my Parents' Marriage Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:08 pm


Arresto Menor

If there is no record at National Statistic office,

Ask the civil registrar, where your both parent are filed they Marriage license.

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