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Arresto Menor

THIS IS THE WHOLE TEXT MESSAGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED. PLS. advise me kung tama po ba itong sulat na ito o kung ano pa man po ito. May utang po kasi ako at nagpadala na ako ng sulat sa kanila na hindi naman nila sinasagot.------------------------------- JUAN dela CRUZ, Judge Ma. Concepcion G. Vitug of Pasig Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 71 issued a WARRANT for violation of Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code[ESTAFA] We will now coordinate to your barangay and nearest police station to serve this., if you have question you may call your filing petitioner ATTY.----- ------- at tel. no. -------, -------.

Last edited by tengset01 on Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:54 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : para mas maayos)


Arresto Menor

meron ding nagtext sken na ganyan...

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