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One-Hour Extension for 2013 Bar Afternoon Exams

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Arresto Mayor

One-Hour Extension for 2013 Bar Afternoon Exams
Posted: January 11, 2012; By Joachim Florencio Q. Corsiga

The time allotted for the afternoon subjects in the 2013 Bar Examinations shall be extended from three (3) hours to four (4) hours or from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., the same allotted hours for the examinations held in the morning.

In its resolution dated December 11, 2012, the Supreme Court En Banc recently approved therecommendation of the Office of the Bar Confidant for the said extension.

Justice Arturo D. Brion is the Chaiperson of the 2013 Bar Examinations Committee. This year’s Bar Examinations shall consist of 80% essay-type questions and 20% multiple choice questions.

The 2013 Bar Examinations are scheduled on the four Sundays of October: first day: Political Law (morning) and Labor and Social Legislation (afternoon); second day: Civil Law (morning) and Taxation (afternoon); third day: Mercantile Law (morning) and Criminal Law (afternoon); fourth day: Remedial Law (morning) and Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises (afternoon).

In determining the average, subjects in the examinations are given the following relative weights: Political and International Law, 15%; Labor and Social Legislation, 10%; Civil Law, 15%; Taxation, 10%; Mercantile Law, 15%; Criminal Law, 10%; Remedial Law, 20%; and Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises, 5%, for a total of 100%.

The venue of the 2013 Bar Examinations will be the University of Santo Tomas in Manila.
(BM No. 2616, In re: 2013 Bar Examinations, December 12, 2012)

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Arresto Mayor

thanks po sa info

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