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Purchase of Real Property

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1Purchase of Real Property Empty Purchase of Real Property Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:42 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi. I was approached by my cousins last year to seek financial help because their mother was sick. Since they needed a big amount of money, they offered to sell their mother's property in exchange. I gave them partial payment of 25% of their asking price. Before I pay them in full, I would like to make sure that there will be no problem in transferring the property in my name first. Please advise me on what to do (process) and what documents that need to be executed in order to transfer the property in my name at the least possible cost given the following circumstances:

1. It was stated in the title that the registered owner is Aunt m/to Uncle (Uncle died long ago);
2. Aunt who is now bedridden has 2 children, both of legal age & married.

I was advised to ask Aunt to execute a Deed of Donation in favor of her children then her children will execute a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of me. Would you advise the same?

Should the property be transferred in the name of the donees first before they can execute a DAS? Or can it be done extrajudicially?

Basically, our objective is to settle the transfer of property legally with very minimal expenses.

Hope to receive your advice very soon. Thank you in advance!

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