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help in building code

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1help in building code Empty help in building code Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:16 pm


Arresto Menor

hello po,

I would like to seek advise about interpreting the building code and the laws that govern the erection of firewalls. My mother's neighbor is claiming that naka kain po kami sa lupa nila with the perimeter wall na pinagawa namin sa lote. Ito po ay napatunayan ng Geodtic engineer and was deemed na truth na nasakop namin ng konti yung lupa nila with that wall. However, pinipilit din nila na they will build on that wall para gawing firewall since nagpapagawa sila ngayon ng bahay a two -storey. Hindi po pumapayag ang mother ko for safety concerns. Is there a tenet in the building law about this so that the neighbors will stop building on that wall? apparently they have issued a permit, but paano po ba ma cha-challenge yun? Thanks

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