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cancelling my contract to a real estate developer

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Arresto Menor

please help me po i need an advice, i am an OFW last year march 2011, nagbakasyon kami sa pinas then we decided to get a house and lot ito ay pre selling wala pa pong nacoconstrust then sabi ng agent this year 2012 matatapos yung ibang units including mine but up to now wla pa rin. nabayaran na namin ang down payment which is worth more than php 300,000 and now we want to cancel na lang. ang tanong ko po. do i have the right to cancel it with 100% refund ng mga naibayad ko na? sabi po kasi ng agent masasayang lahat ng naibayad ko na kasi di na raw marerefund yun.... somebody please help me po i am really stressed na po.


Reclusion Perpetua

Review your contract and check what is the 300K for.

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