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Transcript of Records

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1Transcript of Records  Empty Transcript of Records Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:05 pm


Arresto Menor

Have a nice day. I have a problem regarding the Form-137 of my daughter coz they did not release the Form-137.

At grade 4 my daughter is in public in Mandaue but in grade 5 I transfer her in private school in Mandaue. After two months our family moved to Lapu-lapu because we are planning to buy a house but my father got sick.Instead of buying the house we just rent first coz we ran out of money.

When we moved to lapu-lapu, we transfered also another private school in lapu-lapu.We try to go in school in Mandaue while we are in lapu-lapu but its very far and stressful for my daughter. We inform the principal in Mandaue so that we transfer immediately and she gave us a certification and a good moral character.

Now my daughter has finished the school year in lapu-lapu but the registrar in lapu-lapu told me that the form-137 is needed.
We go to Mandaue to get the form-137 but they said we must pay for the whole school year. We only attended for 2 months we pay for that already.

Why is it that the mandaue want that we pay the whole school year?
What will happen if we did not pay they said that we cannot get the form-137?
If they did not give us the form-137, Is there another way we can get that one? Where?

2Transcript of Records  Empty Re: Transcript of Records Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:16 pm



keep trying to negotiate. you can go to decs, but legal remedy is to file a court complaint to compel them to issue the records.

3Transcript of Records  Empty Re: Transcript of Records Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:15 am


Arresto Menor


My wife is studying in a certain Private School in our place and she will graduate this coming march, this school told her that she cannot claim her TOR after graduation unless she will submit a marriage certificate from the church wedding. Contrary of that, we've been married by the judge for about 5 years and was effectively approved by the court and recorded in NSO, but this institutions did not honor the document that was already released and approved by the court.
the school advise her that, she needs to have a church wedding and claim the certificate so she may be able to claim her TOR which is the most important document to take the LET exam. Its ironic, I cannot see the democracy in that institution that they are the one who decide about our personal decisions, if this school is concern about the Morality, why they did not honor our marriage certificate, since it was already approve by the court and recorded already in the NSO.

my question is: Is this a case of Harassment?, they're not releasing the Transcript of Records of my wife unless she will have a church wedding.

Your advice will be a great assistance about this matter.

thank you and God bless.

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