I was previously working for a SUC as a contractual employee, during my employment, i have cash advances for travel, one i am sure I've liquidated and another that i have not, the SUC withheld one semester of my salary plus last month pay. this was in two thausand seven and eight, i received a demand letter for the liquidation of said advances and i explaiend to the auditor that i have submitted liquidations and that the university has already withheld a semesters salary which would be more than enough to pay for all unliquidated amounts. i went back to work with the SUC briefly in twenty 09 and twenty ten thinking that the matter has been resolved. i received a letter august last year but I lost it during transit by motorcycle to my home and no amount of searching has brought the letter back, i had no idea of the content of said letter, recently my dad received a letter from the CSC civil service commission informing me that i had been charged with GROSS Neglect of duty: unliquidated cash advances, it further revokes my eligiblity and bans me from taking any govt exam. I have three kids and i'm the only one working. can i appeal this decision and if so how do i go about it? thank you in advance. Advice badly needed. do i not get a second chance?