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Driver Disciplinary action

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1Driver Disciplinary action Empty Driver Disciplinary action Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:06 am


Arresto Menor

Dear Atty,

I am an employer, we have a driver that has gone AWOL since two days ago. Last week, the truck that he is driving was caught with illegal parking with counter flow, and thus we were charged with P5,500 with the illegal parking, and I was able to negotiate his traffic violation fine. So, I told the driver that I am going to charge him half of the illegal parking fine verbally and he agreed. Last saturday, I deducted P1,000 from his salary and he seems not to be very happy and had gone AWOL since then.

My question is, when can we file that this said driver is already not connected to our company? Can we charge him anything because he didn't pay the remaining agreed fine?

Thank you in advanced!

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