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Arresto Mayor

Dear Atty,

Id like to ask if our ruling in Tardiness & Absences are all fair:

ON tardy:
1st offense 1-3 number of lates (reprimand)
2nd offense 3-6 (1 day suspension)
6-9 (2 days suspension)
4th offense 9-12 ( dismissal)

reset is every quarter.

On absences

1st offense 1-2 days of absent without leave (reprimand)
3-4 days of AWOL (3 days suspension)
4-5 days AWOL (6 days suspension)
4th offense 7-12 awol (dismissal)

reset is everu quarter.

We have a grace period of 15 minutes whereas
8:00-8:15 no Disciplinary action but subject for deduction

8:16 until 9:59 considered as 10am.

and 10am or 2 hours late without approval or notice considered as half day.

Please give your opinion.

Thank you.



i think the tardiness should have a wider range of punishment. as of now it means that if a person is late once a week for three times a week, he'll be terminated eventually. with our traffic, it's to harsh.


Arresto Mayor

Yes Atty. I understand. The merefact that we can do nothing about the traffic but to adjust our time or atleast give an time allowance.
And by that, they can avoid being late and will not be an excuse.
They signed the contract with a promise to work of a complete required hours in a day.

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