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illegal notice to vacate

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1illegal notice to vacate Empty illegal notice to vacate Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:11 am


Arresto Menor

URGENT!!!! sorry im just new here. i want to seek legal advice. a sherriff went to our place and give us notice to vacate but the tct# on that notice was cancelled and only includes 52sq meters. on the court order they have its 2000sq mtrs but the tct # is the same. they said that no tct can be found anymore when we go the register of deeds bec of fire. but the tct we have is the old one they have a certification only but we have the certified true copy. they're about to demolish us 5days from now. help pls we dont know what to do.

tct 45478
there's a rumor that q uezon city hall auctioned the 2000sq.mtrs illegally and they're using tct# 45478 thinking no copy of that anymore. laverne corp bought it for only P140,000 for that 2000 sq.mtrs but the tct 45478 we have is only 52sq.mtrs..

pls help us... what do we need to do

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