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unpaid work days

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1unpaid work days Empty unpaid work days Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:49 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi!I'd like to know if it's legal for a company not to pay the 8-hours work of a project-based employee
on the following circumstances:

> The employee clocked in on time.
> The employee clocked out on time but, erroneously chose "time-in" in the time-keeping system instead of
> The employee didn't notice the error up until 2 weeks after the day the error was made
> When the employee raised the concern to the immediate supervisor, the supervisor said that, compensation
and benefits department only accepts system / human error corrections within 2 days after the error. Anytime
after that would be gratis.
> The employee was tagged absent and was deducted a full 8-hours day of work

Is this legal when the time-keeping system shows the time punches of the employee?
If it is, where can the employee raise the concern? The company doesn't want to pay the employee the 8-hours
work. The employee is still with the company.

Thank you.

2unpaid work days Empty Re: unpaid work days Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:05 am



if he feels strongly enough, he can file a money claim at dole or nlrc.

3unpaid work days Empty Re: unpaid work days Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:40 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you.

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