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delinquent payment

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1delinquent payment Empty delinquent payment Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:38 pm


Arresto Menor

Re Credit Card obligation and Loan, I have stop payment of my loan 2 years ago due to financial prob. Rightnow we received a call from a lawyer's office stating that I have a international legal obligation. My question is? am i really liable internationally, where to the fact my credit card is issued locally (Philippines), same with my citifinancial loan. What will be the case i am liable? would i go to prissoned? please advise rightnow cant sleep. your help is very much appreciated.

thank u.

2delinquent payment Empty Re: delinquent payment Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:26 am



why is it an int'l obligation? how much do you owe? have you verified whether the person who called you is really a lawyer?

3delinquent payment Empty Re: delinquent payment Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:22 am


Arresto Menor

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your attention. I was not able to talk to the one who called at home, it was my mom who answered the phone call where it made my mom to "panic" and worst is her blood pressure went up. My citifinancial loan was only 60,000 pesos but I was able to pay 52,884 then i stop due to financial prob,the company i previously work slows down where we are force to work 3 days in a week (year 2009). Then in 2010 i was able to pay around 9,000 pesos in staggered basis. then i stop again cause i could no longer afford. It just that last week when they called at my parent's home, they were able to get my mom's phone number at the barangay office. They were asking my mom where to reach me, when my mom ask what company and what about, the attorney's secretary just told my mom, that I have a international/legal obligation. When my mom ask about the company, the caller, i guess the secretary just mentioned its confidential. Atty. Ledesma will just call you back, this made my mom panic and why i am legally/internationally obliged. Can't tell mom that I have this pending account, cause something might happen to her. However, i want to solve this but for now I am not financially capable yet to pay on whatever demands they would raise. Please advise.

Thank you.

4delinquent payment Empty Re: delinquent payment Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:46 pm



have your mom change telephone number. and contact this lawyer yourself, and ask to pay in installment basis.

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