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turning down a job offer after accepting it

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Arresto Menor

I'm currently juggling a number of job applications as I'm nearing my last day of school. I was recently given a job offer and I was oriented with the compensation and the benefits I would be receiving. I accepted the offer and the HR informed me that they were to prepare the contract and they will call me once again for the date of signing the contract.

Will I be breaking a certain law or will I face a breach of contract if I take back or turn down in accepting the offer even before I sign the employment contract? I still have an active application for another company and if I am given a job offer for this other one, I would turn down the first one. I initially accepted the first offer for assurance and a "fall back" just in case I do not get accepted by the other company since this other company has a very long and tedious application process.

I appreciate any advice regarding this matter. Thanks in advance.

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