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Workplace bullying / harrassment

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1Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Workplace bullying / harrassment Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:35 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi experts,

I have been employed at a certain company for three agonizing years now. My peers have ganged up on me and have bullied me since day 1. I have been the subject of jokes, name calling; my work is openly berated. Since they are in it together, I thought, I could not report them since no one would bear witness or stand-up for me. My boss/es have been naive and have not noticed the clandestine activities of these people. However, despite all that, I have been top performer for my department on my second year of stay.

But then, people have limits too. I could not endure anymore of their harrassment. My quality of work and my health had deteriorated as a result of the psychological pain they constantly inflict upon me. Moreover, the though of resigning and giving up had already crossed my mind..

Finally, I have come upon this evidence - a chat conversation log of two the said people. This conversation has some but not all examples of the offenses they have done unto me. Could I use this material as evidence against this people? How do I defend myself legally? I want some kind of justice for their offenses? any advise?


2Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:40 am


Arresto Menor

Hi. I suggest you seek audience with your superior first and discuss everything including the effect to your work and health. Tell him that in as much as you want to perform your best, you are hindered. If no action is taken, put everything in writing and send to the next boss cc your immediate boss. After all, they are the ones who will administer disciplinary action if warranted.

3Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:06 am


Arresto Menor


thanks for replying.

I fear reporting seems futile from where I stand. It's like I'm in a dilemma of fighting someone like an evil Robinhood. If you get what I mean.

As for the chat conversation log, How does that weigh as evidence? Is there somekind of law that would protect me from these kind of psychological terrorism?

fight or flight, eh Sad maybe resigning is easier.


4Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:31 am



can you be more specific about your allegations of harassment?

5Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:41 am



and what is this chat log and how did you come by to possess it

6Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:10 pm


Arresto Menor


Thank you for replying.

can you be more specific about your allegations of harassment?
here are examples of the things they have done to me:
1. they conjure malicious stories about me out of speculation and spreading it to other employees.
2. they have openly berated my work. discussing it with other people in other departments
3. they have made derogatory remarks and offensive name calling even when I am around; they maliciously point out my flaws and failures and publicly (around people outside our department) gloating about it.
4. they had on several occassions intentionally did not cooperate with me on supposedly group projects; playing some kind of "gatekeeper" to my success.
The list goes on (mostly verbal abuse)

and what is this chat log and how did you come by to possess it
We are about to roll-out some kind of internal tech-support system that has a chat functionality. As part of testing, my boss had us use this system for internal communication. Unknown to their knowledge, or so I would assume, the system records conversations including private messages. Coincidentally, I was incharge of this system and as part of my job I have to police misuse.

Contained in this chat log, are some of the phrases and jokes these bullies have commonly used to harrass me. yes, they kind of enjoy repeating the same things over and over.


7Workplace bullying / harrassment Empty Re: Workplace bullying / harrassment Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:51 pm



if the employees are aware that their conversations are being monitored, i would argue that you can use those chat logs.

in preparing your complaint, you cannot use generalized statements like they deride your work or make defamatory remarks. you have to state wht exactly they said, and even better if you have a witnesses who actually hear them say it.

you can let them know that you have a copy of their chat logs and hopefully they will desist. or take the chance and file an actual complaint.

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