I have been employed at a certain company for three agonizing years now. My peers have ganged up on me and have bullied me since day 1. I have been the subject of jokes, name calling; my work is openly berated. Since they are in it together, I thought, I could not report them since no one would bear witness or stand-up for me. My boss/es have been naive and have not noticed the clandestine activities of these people. However, despite all that, I have been top performer for my department on my second year of stay.
But then, people have limits too. I could not endure anymore of their harrassment. My quality of work and my health had deteriorated as a result of the psychological pain they constantly inflict upon me. Moreover, the though of resigning and giving up had already crossed my mind..
Finally, I have come upon this evidence - a chat conversation log of two the said people. This conversation has some but not all examples of the offenses they have done unto me. Could I use this material as evidence against this people? How do I defend myself legally? I want some kind of justice for their offenses? any advise?