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Problems obtaining NSO Documentation

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1Problems obtaining NSO Documentation Empty Problems obtaining NSO Documentation Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:24 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello All,

I have had problems getting documentation with the NSO in connection with a claim for my mother's GSIS benefits. Here's my situation:

Before I was born, my mother was married to another person. They separated and then she met my father, who she never married. I am their only living child. Throughout the years, I am not aware if she was able to nulify her previous marriage.

My mother died in 2008 and in the course of claiming her GSIS benefits I found that the first priority to make the claim would be a living spouse.

I don't know the man who was married to my mother. I have never seen him in my entire lifetime, and as to my knowledge, they had not communicated since they split in 1976. When I asked my relatives, they say that he had deceased before I was born in 1979, but my relatives did not know exactly when he died or where. I am now unsure if he is still alive or not, and where he is now.

As far as the GSIS is concerned, I cannot complete the claim unless I can produce a death certificate for that person. And I cannot get a death certificate without a date and place of death.

Hope to get advice soon. The window for claiming the GSIS benefits expires in October 2012.

Thanks in advance!


2Problems obtaining NSO Documentation Empty Re: Problems obtaining NSO Documentation Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:34 pm



the legal remedy is to file a petition for declaration of presumptive death. but i recommend you search out your the husband's relatives. you can start with networking sites.

keep asking around at nso. you might find someone who will be more accommodating in looking up the database.

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