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To seek help from Baranggay

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1To seek help from Baranggay Empty To seek help from Baranggay Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:08 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, i'm thankful that i found your column for Free Legal Advice. And i'm sure it helps a lot of people who are in need of your help.
Well my concern is:
1.I have a problem with my Lessee who did not recontract,meralco pulled out my meter and she is still using my space for KTV. Her due date of her contract was May 12,2011. I talked with her on May 29 if she is going to continue and she said yes and so we made an agreement with our signatures.
2.So if i bring this matter to the baranggay, can they have the power to hold the things of my lessee and lock the building until they pay?
3.And also is it okay if my representative will be the one to go to baranggay on behalf of me?
4.Do i need to give authorization to my representative?
5.And i thought to just let my lessee pay the month she used after the contract finished and the Meralco bill so that the meter can be returned. And i want my lessee leave my place.
Thanks, I will be expecting your immediate response. Have a nice day. This is CRJ.

2To seek help from Baranggay Empty Re: To seek help from Baranggay Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:31 pm



i don't understand your no. 1, did you renew the contract or not?

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