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Case filing Timelines

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1Case filing Timelines Empty Case filing Timelines Tue May 17, 2011 7:00 pm


Arresto Menor

I have a case which was filed against me at the city prosecutors office. I received a copy of the same from the complainant. The complainant was asked to come in to plea the case in March. Post which I have heard nothing whether the City attorney accepted it or rejected it. How do I get to know if the case is active. Also generally how long does it take before I know the case was filed.

2Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Tue May 17, 2011 11:20 pm



go to the prosecutor's office and inquire. are you sure you weren't required to file a counter affidavit?

3Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Wed May 18, 2011 6:54 am


Arresto Menor

attyLLL wrote:go to the prosecutor's office and inquire. are you sure you weren't required to file a counter affidavit?

What is a counter affidavit exactly. Incase I call the prosecutor is she bound by law to tell me if there is a active case or no? Also with the city prosecutor is she/he the one to represent the complainant?

4Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Wed May 18, 2011 7:04 am


Arresto Mayor

yung counter affidavit, nakasaad dun if you affirm or deny the allegations to you, you are required to file that, it is part of the due process. the prosecutor represents the people of the philippines, he will be the one who will represent in the case,try to inquire in the city prosecutor's office, ask the status of the case.

5Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Wed May 18, 2011 9:03 pm



obviously, you did not file a counter affidavit. go to prosecutor's office and ask for time to file one. you may be asked to file some form of motion to admit or to reopen. then make an affidavit with your version of the facts and file it.

6Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Thu May 19, 2011 8:03 pm


Arresto Menor

attyLLL wrote:obviously, you did not file a counter affidavit. go to prosecutor's office and ask for time to file one. you may be asked to file some form of motion to admit or to reopen. then make an affidavit with your version of the facts and file it.

I called the city prosecutor office and spoke to the secretary. I was advised that the case has been reviewed and sent for resolution. Additionally she said i would be informed through registered mail . What does that infer? What are my next steps? I am not residing in Philippines any longer

7Case filing Timelines Empty Case Timeline Fri May 20, 2011 6:21 pm


Arresto Menor

I called the city prosecutor office and spoke to the secretary. I was advised that the case has been reviewed and sent for resolution.What does that mean Additionally she said i would be informed through registered mail . What are my next steps? I am not residing in Philippines any longer [/quote]

8Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Fri May 20, 2011 8:43 pm



that means there is already a decision and it may be issued soon. it seems a motion to reopen is no loner relevant at this point. the best thing is to wait for it to come out and find out what it says. if it's against you then, there may be a warrant of arrest waiting for you when you return and you can face the case then.

9Case filing Timelines Empty Case Timeline Sat May 21, 2011 6:28 am


Arresto Menor

i was never asked to file a counter affidavit by the city prosecutor. i do not even know what the charges are. i just received a copy of the letter that the complainant received from the city prosecutor to come and testify.I wasnt asked to testify anything or plea my case.What should i do now?

10Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Sat May 21, 2011 1:46 pm



check the notice you first received again. i believe it will say something about filing an affidavit. it may be that the complaint did not pass the first test of showing enough evidence or allegations of a complaint.

what were you charged of? what evidence was provided?

11Case filing Timelines Empty Relationship Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 pm


Arresto Menor

I called the city prosecutors office and was told that the sup poena was sent to an address provided by the complainant . The address provided was of manila and i no longer stay in phillipines. the city prosecutors office told me that they are not allowed to send any mails or post outside of phillipines. please advice what happens now and what are my options since i do not live in phillipines and cannot afford to hire a lawyer there.i was not able to file a counter affidavit since i did not receive any communication from the city prosecutors office.

12Case filing Timelines Empty Re: Case filing Timelines Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm



my best advice is for you to hire a lawyer to at least find out what is really the status of your case.

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