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real estate tax

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1real estate tax Empty real estate tax Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:13 am


Arresto Menor

Hi! help nman po.My father died last sept 2009 wala ho syang naiwan na last will.naospital ho sya for 5mos.until he died.naisangla ko ang bahay at lupa nla with their consent para may maipamtustos s pgkakaospital nya at pambayad na rin.Bukod ho doon me isa p clang lupa n nakasanla under my name since my parents were already 60 yrs old at that time.may nkapagsabi ho sa akin ng tungkol s real estate tax na kailangan ifile at kakailanganin raw ng malaking halaga.paano ho ba ang gagawin ko? wala nman hong naiwan na cash ang father ko puro property lng at 2 pa ung nakasanla.Bago pa ho mamatay ang father ko ay nasabi na nlang magasawa sa aming mgkapatid kung ano ano ang mapupunta sa aming property (2 lng ho kming mgkapatid).Gusto ng mother nmin n ayusin na ang hatian s mga property ano ho ang dapat kong gawin?

2real estate tax Empty Re: real estate tax Wed Mar 23, 2011 7:32 pm



are the properties covered with TCTs?

how were the properties acquired? by purchase?

3real estate tax Empty Re: real estate tax Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:38 am


Arresto Menor

Un pong 2 lot wala pa ho sa amin ang title kc need pa raw ng extra judicial settlement and harmless claims sabi ng developer.the rest ho hawak ko mga titulo at 2 dun ang nakasanla.nabili ho ng father ko ang mga properties nung panahon na ngtratrabaho pa sya.

4real estate tax Empty Re: real estate tax Thu Mar 24, 2011 4:07 pm



you should first inquire with the assessor's office on the status of the properties with regard to real estate taxes. then you will need to pay for those loans covered by mortgage else you will need to have a judicial settlement of estate.

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