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Real Estate Tax

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1Real Estate Tax Empty Real Estate Tax Sat May 19, 2018 1:00 pm


Arresto Menor


I would like to post a question with regards sa Real Estate Tax

As my father had invested in a condo unit, in which he was offered to have the downpayment to be paid in 3 years and after the remaining balance shall be loan on the bank. On reaching almost the 3rd year on paying the downpayment, my father had passed away. Since my father had died before he can even loan the remaining balance i had to step in pay the remaining balance for the downpayment.

The property is named together with my mother as a conjugal property, but since my mother had no source of income she cant loan on to the bank. The other option is to have it transferred to me so that i can apply a bank loan and able to save the property.

The said property during my father had died is not even ready yet for handover, as we are trying to have it transferred to me the developer said ,real estate tax must be settled before it can be even transferred.

So the question is

1) Is it necessary to have the real estate tax to be paid after my father had died, even if it the said property has not yet handover/turnover to him, as the development has not been completed during the time he had died, furthermore my mother is also named on the document a co-owner.

2) If the real estate tax is to be paid how much will be it's total cost (e.g. condo =php 2,900,000)

Thanks and best regards

2Real Estate Tax Empty Re: Real Estate Tax Sun May 20, 2018 9:53 am



are you sure it's real estate tax that the developer said (which is a tax charged by the local government) or estate tax (which is a tax for transfer of properties of someone who passed away)? I'm guessing it's estate tax.

you and your father's heirs just need to execute an extrajudicial settlement of estate which should include his conjugal share in the condo. After clearance from the BIR, the developer can transfer the condo

estate tax would be based on the amount invested in the condo at the time of your father's death plus all his other shares in the conjugal assets

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