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R.A. 9439 Hospital Detention

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1R.A. 9439 Hospital Detention Empty R.A. 9439 Hospital Detention Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:12 am


Arresto Menor

Partner gave birth prematurely (8mos)birth was out of plan and funds are short. Was able to execute prom note for partner.
Now baby is discharged after staying in NICU the whole time, funds 10k max for partial 67k total bill for baby. Tried negotiating the same deal with hospital admin was declined again and local congressman no longer answering request for assistance.
I recently won a court case requiring the respondent to pay me a sum of money enough to cover both hospital bills (wife and child) but pre execution hearing is july 16 and forecast time for me to collect it is around july 31. But i need to stop the additional bills for everyday the baby is in NICU. If I wait 20 more days,it will be 30k plus original bill of 67k.
I cant loan any longer, how should I go about this? Time is of the essence. Daily stay @ NICU= 1500. I feel like I'm being robbed face to face for a medical emergency nobody wanted. Please advise or text my # 09771703918

2R.A. 9439 Hospital Detention Empty Re: R.A. 9439 Hospital Detention Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:16 am


Arresto Menor

Securing prom note for partner was extremely difficult, was also humiliated several times by hospital admin and cashier. If not for the local congressman, my partner would still be at the hospital as well. I'm bleeding funds which can be used for something else. All I need is time for my funds to come and benefits (SSS)to be released.

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