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Legal threats from ex-wife for child support and concubinage. HELP!

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Arresto Menor

Hi!, Im in need of help due to the threats I have been getting from my ex-wife. (we are not yet annulled - left because of being battered and violence involving the kids)

I have been consistently sending child support to three of my kids since i got separated. Now, i have a baby with my girlfriend. She has been threatening me since the day I left despite of sending money. I recently left my job and sent a smaller amount than what we have talked about and now she's threatening me and my partner.

She also said that she will not sign annulment papers once i have it filed. What can i do at the moment that I am unemployed and I get a threat of being jailed due to the incomplete amount? This person cant be reasoned to. Kaya hindi nakikinig kahit anong paliwanag. Thank you for the answer!


Reclusion Perpetua

Unfortunately, you are not in any situation to fight with your wife as it is true that she can file a case against you and your partner.

if you cannot meet her demands, then the only thing you can do is wait for her to sue you then depend yourself then.

it is true that the husband and wife should both support the children and that support should be based on the capacity of the parents to provide. However, it is also true that if you are still married, you can be held liable by the law if you are proved to have committed adultery or concubinage.


Arresto Menor

by any chance, would there be any case that I can file for her to stop threatening me? I have not missed in sending money to support my kids. The reason why I left is that, she was already hurting me physically even the kids can see that and kids were also starting to be violent.

Back then when I was there, She even tried to commit suicide by jumping off the roof because she wouldn't want me to go to work and wanted me to stay at home instead which cant happen since I'm the main provider of our income. There were nights where she'll get drunk and throw books at me and the kids.

I was enduring the pain because of the kids but it was too much, Will I have a fighting chance on the court? These are just a few instances. Thank you for replying



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