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Immediate resignation , backpay question

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1Immediate resignation , backpay question Empty Immediate resignation , backpay question Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:23 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, I'm a call center agent working at a BPO company in ortigas. I've been working with this company for over 2 years now. However, this past week I had a serious family conflict that needs my full attention so I incurred an absence last friday the 3rd tagged as NCNS and yesterday Nov. 6 with proper notification. Due to emotional distress given the difficult situation I'm going through right now, I opted to file an immediate resignation. While I understand that immediate resignation needs certain grounds to be valid, I decided to send the resignation letter to my immediate supervisor hoping that maybe they could grant my request. Unfortunately, my supervisor told me that they cannot accept my resignation unless I render 30 days or I'll be terminated.

It is a bit disappointing because there were agents who committed grave misconduct towards their customers but instead of putting them on a terminated status, they were all granted to leave with a forced resignation tag. or as quoted by one of the agents, it was an immediate resignation. Here I am pleading for consideration to grant my request for immediate resignation but they are adamant of pushing me to render 30 days or I'll be terminated.

Now here are my questions. 1) If I get terminated, will that be considered as valid termination given that I took an effort to resign although it was immediate?
2)If it is a valid termination, will I get my final pay including 13th month bonus + tax refund and unpaid leaves?
3)If it is not a valid termination, what steps should I take and what are the labor laws stating such scenario includes violation of employee rights?

Please help me. Thank you in advance


Reclusion Perpetua

1) You will be terminated for AWOL
2) depends is you have a bond or payment for damages stipulated in your contract

The steps you should take is render a 30 days after resigning


Arresto Menor

Thank you for answering my query. Just a clarification on your no.2 answer. If there is no bond or payment for damages stated in the contract, will I get my final pay including the prorated 13th month bonus + tax refund and unpaid leaves?


Reclusion Perpetua

if there is none stated in your contract, the company can file damages against you in court. so still pwede pa din i hold. if not, they can release all that are due to you.


Arresto Menor

mikos23 wrote:if there is none stated in your contract, the company can file damages against you in court. so still pwede pa din i hold. if not, they can release all that are due to you.

thank you sir for your inputs

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