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AWOL during rendering of resignation: what to do?

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Arresto Menor

I would like to inquire about what is the proper process for handling an employee who is rendering his 30day resignation process, however the said employee went AWOL 5days before the effective date of his resignation.

Can I hold his clearance from the company?

What actions can we do?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.


Reclusion Perpetua

You have no right to hold the clearance just because the person went on AWOL. If the effectivity date of the resignation s already effective, you cannot do anything because the person is no longer your employee.


Reclusion Perpetua

Why would you want to hold the clearance of an employee?

The only legal way to hold the clearance is there is still some accountability that the employee needs to address, however, if the employee comes back to finish it, then consider him to be cleared.

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