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Transfer - Promotion - Bonus

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1Transfer - Promotion - Bonus Empty Transfer - Promotion - Bonus Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:59 pm

Bobby Angle

Arresto Menor

I work in a subsidiary one of the most profitable companies in the Philippines for 8 years.

In 2011, the management of the subsidiary started giving a sort of bonus to its regular employees during December on top of the 13th month pay.  To receive this bonus, the superior must give you a good rating.  However, I am not certain if the bonus is paid using the subsidiary's money or one of the director's personal money.  The source of funding for this bonus has been kept confidential.

In 2014 I was transferred to work in the parent company but my employment affiliation remains with the subsidiary.  I am being compensated by the subsidiary while working in the parent.  The reason for the transfer was just a general statement: "management decision". The work being done in the parent uses mental faculties (property insurance) but not in line with my previous work in the subsidiary (accounting).  I was not given any formal documentation for the transfer.

From 2015 onwards I was no longer given the said bonus because I was no longer performing in the subsidiary despite my affiliation with the subsidiary.

In 2017, I later learned that my supervisor in the parent company cannot authorize any promotion for me since he has no personality in the subsidiary.  I cannot be promoted in the parent company since I am not an official employee there.

The HR departments of both parent and subsidiary recommends either to be absorb by the parent or be returned to the subsidiary.  But the various department heads of either company were not willing to accommodate me.

1. What possible case/s do I have in this complicated scenario?
2. If the transfer was done in order to eliminate an undesirable employee, what facts must be presented?
3. If the source of the bonus is from the personal money of one of the owner, does my scenario still imply diminution of benefits?

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