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Rest Day Pay

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1Rest Day Pay Empty Rest Day Pay Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:12 pm


Arresto Menor

Good Day!

This is the situation:

Our ESL school has the practice that if a teacher absents herself in a day, she may be allowed to have make-up classes later, which shall be paid accordingly within the period of payment when the make-up class fell..make-up classes are scheduled within the discretion of the teacher and the agreement of the student.

I understand that overtime does not offset when the teacher schedules a make-up class and results to a day of work beyond 8 hours, overtime will still be that right?

How about when the student and teacher agree to schedule it on a weekend (rest days) , will the teacher be paid in accordance with the rule on paying rest day work?

2Rest Day Pay Empty Re: Rest Day Pay Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:16 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Overtime will still be paid

Teaching on the restday will entitle the teacher for a rest day premium

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