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Changing of Surname

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1Changing of Surname Empty Changing of Surname Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:59 am


Arresto Menor

I'm turning 21 this year and I was wondering if I can officially change my surname to that of my mother's maiden name possibly without the consent of my father, if so, what's the proper procedure on this matter? My father left us for his mistress when I was around a year old and we haven't heard from him ever since, no support or whatsoever. I also grew up using my mother's maiden name. Another reason for wanting it to be legally changed is so that it won't bear any future conflict on my government-issued ID's/Passport/Documents/etc. Marami pong salamat!

Additional info:
-My parents are not married when I was born (basically, I'm an illegitimate child)
-My father signed the affidavit of acknowledgement/admission of paternity, but was not signed by my mother (just in case it makes a difference)
-My mother has not remarried (again, just in case it makes a difference)

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