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Changing of Surname of son.

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1Changing of Surname of son. Empty Changing of Surname of son. Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:26 pm


Arresto Menor

My wife wants to change my son surname from her family name. We're married yet not living together anymore.

And we have an arrangement and agreement to DSWD which I didn't follow all of the consequences I've sign.. I know that I'm not perfect but I'm doing the best that I can do to fix this.

She's living with her girlfriend means an F2F/female to female relationship with my son.

How could she transfer my son surname to her if I didn't want to? Is there a way that I can do to stop her? She was asking me to go and sign the another agreement that I will never give any to my son and let him live with his mom. Else she will sue me for not supporting my son and economic abuse.

I think she's thinking about my in-laws to adopt my son and that he can use his mother surname..

Please help me what to do..

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