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My Husband has another woman and wants to be separated with me

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Arresto Menor

My husband has another woman and he no longer wants to be in our marriage. I have their text messages, email love letters and I even hired a private investigator to make a surveillance of the two of them. They don't live together but my husband is the one visiting her in her apartment whenever there's an opportunity. The two of them admitted their relationship when I revealed my evidences. My husband would still want to be separated with me. But we are still living under the one roof. What could be my legal actions be? Are my evidences enough to file for concubinage?


Reclusion Perpetua

when you found out that he was having an affair, did you ever had sex after this fact? if yes, this can be used as a sign of forgiveness and your case cannot proceed.

in case no, there are certain criteria to be met for a concubinage case, if your evidences meet these criteria, then you can file your case.


Arresto Menor

xtianjames wrote:when you found out that he was having an affair, did you ever had sex after this fact? if yes, this can be used as a sign of forgiveness and your case cannot proceed.

in case no, there are certain criteria to be met for a concubinage case, if your evidences meet these criteria, then you can file your case.

No we haven't had sex since I have suspicions of their affair until today that they admitted their relationship. My husband don't also show any affection towards me and he sleeps in a separate room in our house.

Aside from concubinage what other cases can I file to the mistress?


Reclusion Perpetua

i think alienation of affection or VAWC. not sure to be honest.


Reclusion Perpetua

If you make legal separate then your economies will be separated and neither of you have right to get economical support from the other. So try to get compensation agreement concerning that.
You can KEEP concubinage case as WEAPON in the separation negotiations.
If you have not grown up children togeher, then support demand for them are kept, although if starting a comcubinage case then it's risk he can't pay support to the children, so perhaps you need to think of if you find it most important to hurt them with concubinage case or economical by a deal you geting more by he agree to that in EXCHANGE for you don't file concubinage case but they get less money left. For instance you can try to get an agreement where he pay you every month for instance 10 years. (I don't know if it's possible to make it legal more than 10 years.) Otherwice perhaps until he reach retirement age.


Arresto Menor

Lunkan wrote:If you make legal separate then your economies will be separated and neither of you have right to get economical support from the other. So try to get compensation agreement concerning that.
You can KEEP concubinage case as WEAPON in the separation negotiations.
If you have not grown up children togeher, then support demand for them are kept, although if starting a comcubinage case then it's risk he can't pay support to the children, so perhaps you need to think of if you find it most important to hurt them with concubinage case or economical by a deal you geting more by he agree to that in EXCHANGE for you don't file concubinage case but they get less money left. For instance you can try to get an agreement where he pay you every month for instance 10 years. (I don't know if it's possible to make it legal more than 10 years.) Otherwice perhaps until he reach retirement age.

I told him I don't want a legal separation or annulment. He threatened me to leave us both (our son and me) if that is my decision. I told him not to leave but he still left us. What are my rights a his wife in this case? I am a working mom, as his wife am I also a part of his responsibility as well as our son?


Reclusion Perpetua

calebpinca wrote: I told him I don't want a legal separation or annulment. He threatened me to leave us both (our son and me) if that is my decision. I told him not to leave but he still left us. What are my rights a his wife in this case? I am a working mom, as his wife am I also a part of his responsibility as well as our son?
When you are married and not legaly separated, then you are partly responcible for what your husband mess up, so it can be economical BETTER for you to have legal separation (or annulment).

But you have right to support to your SON UNDEPENING of married, legal separation or annulment. But you are expected to contribute to some of the costs too.

You can file case about adultery, but as far as I know that don't give you anything economical, just revenge. You can get LESS economical
1. By the court case cost.
2. If he is put in prison, he can't pay support.
So better keep that as a WEAPON, which you tell you CAN use...
A disadvantage with annulment is then he don't add proves adultery anymore (and PERHAPS the court would find it as a sign you said ok to it by signing annulment.)

How old is your son? If under 7yo then the mother get the custody almost allways, if it become a legal fight about that. (Except if the mother is a very bad parent for instance by being drug adict.)

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