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New Maternity Leave concerns

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1New Maternity Leave concerns Empty New Maternity Leave concerns Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:10 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi! Good day to all of you.
As the title suggest my wife and i have a concern about the new bill that the senate has passed regarding the maternity leave.
My wife and i are contractual worker under a company, she just delivered our baby via cs few days ago and she's on her maternity leave now. We we're told that he maternity leave isn't paid by the company. The only payment/benefits she has received was the SSS matenity benefits. Some of our colleagues said that we should/could receive seperate pay from our company itself excluded from the SSS pay.

My questions are.
Would her maternity leave and my paternity leave days be adjusted (i have 7 and she has 78) because of the new bill passed?
Should she be paid with her leave even if she's not a regular employee?

Thank you for your future responses Smile

P.S: Sorry if i'm all over the place with this, this is my first post and i really am not that to familiar with the existing Maternity Laws and the New One.

2New Maternity Leave concerns Empty Re: New Maternity Leave concerns Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:34 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

1. hindi pa po kasi signed into law yan.  Pag pass ng senate kelangan pong pirmahan ng presidente     yan.

2. Maternity benefits are from the SSS only.

3. maternity benefits should be given whether regular or not.

3New Maternity Leave concerns Empty Re: New Maternity Leave concerns Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:37 pm


Arresto Menor

lukekyle wrote:1. hindi pa po kasi signed into law yan.  Pag pass ng senate kelangan pong pirmahan ng presidente     yan.

2. Maternity benefits are from the SSS only. Mali or sinungaling po yung mga colleagues nyo.

3. maternity benefits should be given whether regular or not.

Thank you for your response sir lukekyle!
Okay Sir! Got it thank you thank you i'm just confused and really too unfamiliar with such laws. Once again thank you and God bless you!

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