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Payroll divisor

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1Payroll divisor Empty Payroll divisor Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:50 pm

Hr person

Arresto Menor

I just want to clarify kung mali yung pagbabago ng isang Company sa payroll divisor from 365 to 261 even if mas beneficial sya sa empleyado?

My friend works 5 days a week as stated in the contract and Job offer. However, the payroll divisor being used before was 365. Now, their HR wanted to change it to 261 as mandated by law. Are they violating anything by changing the payroll divisor? If not, can they continue using 365 as their payroll divisor? Even if from the start, Sat and Sun are their day offs.

2Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:18 am


Reclusion Perpetua

changing would increase the "daily" salary. Are you sure your friend wants to complain?

3Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:22 am


Reclusion Perpetua

sa divisor you should look at days paid not days worked.

4Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:48 am


Reclusion Perpetua

basta hindi bababa yung daily rate or monthly rate nya as per contract..

5Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:30 pm

Hr person

Arresto Menor

lukekyle wrote:sa divisor you should look at days paid not days worked.

Who will decide kung ilan yung days paid? The Employer? Shouldn't the days worked be considered as well?

If the employer will say I'll pay you from Mondays to Sundays to a monthly paid employee na above minimum wage and nagtratrabaho lang ng Mondays to Fridays as stated in the contract. Hindi ba lugi si Employee? 261 lang pasok nya pero 365 ang payroll divisor na hindi naman talaga pinapasukan yung Sabado and Linggo? Lumalabas kasi na tinipid ni Employer si employee? It's quite misleading kasi the employer made the employees believe that they are generous cause they are paying their saturdays and sundays even if they are not working not knowing na mas mababa yung daily rate nila pag ganun.

6Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:35 pm

Hr person

Arresto Menor

Patok wrote:basta hindi bababa yung daily rate or monthly rate nya as per contract..

Yes po. Pero how about the deductions? When they were using the 365 divisor, maliit yung daily rate, that's why maliit lang din yung deduction ng lates and absents. Nung naging 261 na, mas lumaki yung daily rate, tumaas rin yung deduction. May naviolate ba yung company kapag ganun?

7Payroll divisor Empty Re: Payroll divisor Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:20 am


Reclusion Perpetua

ganun talaga. days paid ang bilang. kasi merong mga situation na once a week ka lang pinapareport unless may kelangan pagawa sayo. magkakabilangan lang is if pina report ka and hindi ka pumasok. check mo sa labor code theres even a computation there na ang bilang is paid ka everyday. 390+ days ang divisor bec of the multiples for holidays and rest days.

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