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About The management of my company

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1About The management of my company Empty About The management of my company Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:30 am


Arresto Menor

To whom it may concern
I would like to ask your good office for an advice regarding my status here in the office last Aug 16, 2010
They gave me a Job offer with the position of Jr. Project Manager before I have an agreement I told them that I’am getting married this December so expect that I will haveg more absences and we both agree on that so I signed the employment contract. ( only my wife and I who prepare our wedding from the beginning) Then after a few months on my probationary period the management (Laurent) told me that I will be in QA for the meantime since we don’t have project in China right now. So I was designated to QA without any training and besides I don’t have any experience in QA. Sometime in December, the HR (Pia) called my attention, she wants to talk to me in private, so we had a talk at that time and I was surprised when she told me that I have errors on my translation for the client, so I was shocked why did they report this issue immediately to the HR and the one who reported this issue according to the HR it is the QA Manager (Benoit Pozo) who is a French National and my immediate superior. He didn’t talk to me first with that issue and for how many years already that I’ve been doing this service to other companies I always got a request for revision. But what amazed me is that there was no request for revision. And what really makes me angry is that the HR was already concluding the incident and she is also is telling me that it was my fault. Tthey never gave me the chance to explain my side.

Then last Jan 10, 2011 I was very early in the office to start working but my brother message me to accompany my father for a check up because he is very weak and don’t have appetite to eat it’s been a week or more already. So I was worried with my father so I rushed out and went home as fast as I can before I left the office I already sent an email to the supervisor and to HR and everyday I have emailed them that I need to be with my father at that time because my brother and sisters are all in China working the earliest time that they got the ticket was Saturday. So I have to be with my father the whole week for his laboratory examinations. Then on Jan. 28, 2011 the HR once again called me that she needs to talk to me then I was surprised when she presented a memo with my email attached at the back and want me to sign the memo stating the Jan 10-14, 2011 incident why I was absent for a week they already have my email attached and she even compared me to the Gen. Manager’s mother who was in coma and she still could come to work and I couldn’t. So I explained everything to her but still she was not convinced. And she even told me “ di na sila Masaya sa iyo, and feeling ng management binabali wala mo yung company“ and she even said “gusto mo tulungan kita mag hanap ng work?”, “ and my performance was very low and everybody’s watching me”and “bakit di nalang ung asawa mo magbantay sa tatay mo?” from this quote I suddenly asked her if your father was in a critical condition will you let other people take care of him? she even told me that I might be terminated due to tardiness and absences. last friday feb. 4, 2011 i've email her about the email complain of the client she just gave me an unprofessional reply
"ah ok kala ko na wrong send ka lang eh"
Is there anyway that I can file case against this company? Do I have a chance to win this case?

Thank you

2About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:28 pm



were you given a notice to explain? did you give a written explanation? what is the offense stated on the notice? abandonment?

3About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:27 am


Arresto Menor

the HR called me and gave me a memo stating that i need to explain why the company should not give me a memo in fact they already have the email attached on the memo.

4About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:02 pm



what is the offense you supposedly committed? just give the explanation why you were not able to go to work. did it say that you might be terminated?

5About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:12 pm


Arresto Menor

i didnt commit any offense ever since.... i emailed them for an emergency leave but the HR just don't want to understand my side. i already send emails everyday when i cannot go to work they even had the print out of my emails and it was already well stated there

6About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:47 pm



so coupled with your other thread (next time, do not open two), you were asked to resign and you did?

had these been two matters clear, I would not have recommended resigning. it's obvious that they are asking you to resign so they don't have to justify your termination.

7About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:03 pm


Arresto Menor

atty what should i do now? to be honest i was really degraded by the company right now and our contract is a one year contract since i still have to pay my condo what should i do? can i change the agreement since i havent sign anything yet? what will be the fastest solution for this?

8About The management of my company Empty Re: About The management of my company Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:19 pm



now, i don't understand this contract. you said you had a contract, what haven't you signed?

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