Documentation for Overseas Employment of Workers Classified as Mission Critical Skills (MCS) which are in shortage or POEA Memorandum Circular No. 3 Series of 2006
- one of the lobbyists of this memorandum is an Airplane MRO in the country. truth is they love this memorandum so much, they even surpass their MRO category and work as part of POEA or even surpass POEA in enforcing the said Memo - religiously they enforce the Memo as part of their standards when dealing with resigning employees. a senior aircraft mechanic wishing to resign automatically should observe 6 months notice!
+ is this MRO has the right to enforce the said Memo, our Labor Code says that 1 month notice of resignation is enough? is it correct to say that only POEA should ask to the resigning Aircraft Mechanics the 6-month notice resignation upon application as OFW, and not the MRO since MRO is only oblige as per Labor Code inform the resigning Aircraft Mechanic the 1 month notice.
+ aircraft mechanics wishing to resign on this MRO even has no plan to seek employment abroad is forced by this MRO to observe 6 month notice, it is clear that it is only required for their documentation as OFWs, then, is this a clear harassment, coercion?
+the memo is clear about the Mission Critical Skills in the country, granting the Memo is fair and just and humane, it means that Aircraft Mechanics is very important in the Philippines, hence living in the country may jeopardize the Philippine economy. this same MRO by the way in contrary is keep sending Aircraft Mechanics abroad off course TO WORK AS aircraft mechanic, isn't this against the Memo? is this a direct violation?
godspeed atty