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Can i use harassment of manager as grounds for resignation?

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Arresto Menor

Every time im sick my manager always finds a way to make my absences unauthorized. They keep on telling me that sick leaves are convertible to cash. There was this time that my Ops Manager told me that me being absent due to sickness is unauthorized even if gave her a medical certificate. Now i am pregnant and i would like to file a leave because my OB advised me to bed rest for 30 days because of risky pregnancy. If my manager threaten me for AWOL can I use it as grounds for resignation or if ever i will be terminated because of my pregnancy can i still get my pay or at least my incentives for 4 months that they haven't given me?. Please help


Arresto Menor

considered as AWOL padin po ba kahit meron akong ibigay na MEDCERT and nonotify naman ako sakanila.


Reclusion Perpetua

ImmediateResignation wrote:Every time im sick my manager always finds a way to make my absences unauthorized. They keep on telling me that sick leaves are convertible to cash. There was this time that my Ops Manager told me that me being absent due to sickness is unauthorized even if gave her a medical certificate. Now i am pregnant and i would like to file a leave because my OB advised me to bed rest for 30 days because of risky pregnancy. If my manager threaten me for AWOL can I use it as grounds for resignation or if ever i will be terminated because of my pregnancy can i still get my pay or at least my incentives for 4 months that they haven't given me?. Please help

You don't need a ground for resignation but you need grounds for an immediate resignation. Based on your story, the same is not enough ground for immediate resignation.

If separated from the Company (thru whatever means), you have the right to you pay (backpay). For your incentives, check the qualifications under your policy. However, if the incentives is due you, Management has no right to hold the same.

Why not file a complaint (while still an active employee) with your HR for your unpaid incentives and see what happens. Or why not file a resignation right now so you can still render 30 days.

4Can i use harassment of manager as grounds for resignation? Empty thanks for the reply Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:31 pm


Arresto Menor

thanks for the reply.

san po ako pwde magfile ng case if ever maisipan ko po na magfile ?.


Reclusion Perpetua

sa hr nyo

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