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Demotion or transfer of LOB but same account

3 posters

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Arresto Menor

I just want to seek legal advice.
I'm working in bpo as regular agent. Just recently our LOB is going to be dissolved and we are informed that we will be moved to different LOB however we have not received any written document about the said transfer. The said that the reason of why the LOB is going to be dissolved due to low call volume and that's the whole LOB. What I'm afraid of is the lack of assurance, security of tenure since we're going undergo training and if we fail the training then we will be terminated, aside from that is there is no notice in writing it just eventually happened coz some of my colleagues are already moved now and undergoing training on their new LOB. But I and some are still on our current LOB until it completely closes on Oct 31,2016. However they said that we might be on floating with no pay. I just want to know if this happening is lawful. Some of my colleagues already voluntarily resigned due to the said transfer. I just feel that its may be they're way so that employees will leave the company by resigning.

Thank you. Will wait for your lawful advice.


Arresto Mayor

I think its management prerogative,and I think they're not going to terminate you if you fail the training since youre a regular employee pero may cessasion of business din to consider...just wait sa reply nung mga batikan natin kasama.


Reclusion Perpetua

falegato wrote:I just want to seek legal advice.
I'm working in bpo as regular agent. Just recently our LOB is going to be dissolved and we are informed that we will be moved to different LOB however  we have not received any written document about the said transfer. The said that the reason of why the LOB is going to be dissolved due to low call volume and that's the whole LOB. What I'm afraid of is the lack of assurance, security of tenure since we're going undergo training and if we fail the training then we will be terminated, aside from that is there is no notice in writing it just eventually happened coz some of my colleagues are already moved now and undergoing training on their new LOB. But I and some are still on our current LOB until it completely closes on Oct 31,2016. However they said that we might be on floating with no pay. I just want to know if this happening is lawful. Some of my colleagues already voluntarily resigned due to the said transfer. I just feel that its may be they're way so that employees will leave the company by resigning.

Thank you. Will wait for your lawful advice.

So far everything is in order.

As long as there is no notice, you should just keep on working.

Maybe the company will give the notice close to the end of month because if they announce it too early, some employees might just decide to resign or go on AWOL and that would severely impact the LOB.

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