I would like to consult my current situation with you. I have been out sick for four months due to my cardiovascular/pulmonary condition. I initially applied for a extended sick leave which my company provides for serious illnesses which persist beyond 15 working days, the Company may at its discretion and based on the certification of the company doctor, allow extended leave up to 3 calendar months on full pay and a further 3 calendar months on half pay. The extended sick leave is not allowed for self-inflicted injuries/ailments, social diseases or in instances where the employee is grossly negligent or culpable.
I was diagnosed with diastolic imaprement with hypertension correlated with bronchial asthma. I was denied of my request despite all of the test results and documentation we have provided from doctors. Even a 3rd party Doctor that the company doctor recommended as to avoid any bias or conflict of interest. Because of this, I did not get any pay for August and will also get very minimal pay for the next 4 months as my leave without pay have been filed from April to July. Aside from this, all 6 of my doctors recommend that I should be on a day or midshift(at least) as it would be healthier for me. The company Doctor still deemed me fit to work for night shift, despite all the advise from the specialists. I have asked my line manager if I can apply to another role that is on day/mid shift within our company and they said that I still need to get recommendation from our company Doctor.
I'd like to consult if what they are doing is right. I'm already at the lowest point wherein I will not get any pay, I have a family to feed, bills to pay and have to sustain my medication as well. Given the condition that I have I wanted to look for another job within the company so I can be productive and healthy at the same time. I don't want to compromise my health and I'd rather not leave the company as well as I know I have my rights as an employee. And I have a basis to move roles and it's not just because I want to, it's because of my health and there are doctors' recommendation too.
Appreciate if you can help me with this concern. Do I have a basis to file a complaint against my company?
Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
Paul Anthony Sanchez