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Airline ticket

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1Airline ticket Empty Airline ticket Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:15 pm


Arresto Menor


I need an advice with the recent ticket that i've purchase.

I purchased 2 one way ticket (i purchased it separately)
1st ticket - Manila to Palawan
2nd ticket - Palawan to manila

But due to bad weather condition, the 1st flight was cancelled. The airline company allowed me to re-booked the 1st ticket  1 month from the date of the original fight. However, they said that the return flight cannot be re-booked since it was separately booked from the canceled flight.

I told them that the reason why I bought the return ticket is because I already have my onward ticket.

Still they said I am not allowed to rebooked the ticket unless I pay for the return re-booking fee and the price difference of the tickets.

any advice on this?

thank you and God Bless!

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