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House and Lot: Self-Adjudication

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1House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Empty House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:29 pm


Arresto Menor


My late parents left our home (House and Lot) to me as the only child-- They died 7years/16 years ago (dad/mom) with no last will and testament, and only now did I know that I have to file an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication plus Publication (over 3 weeks) to have the title annotated and transferred from my parents' name to my name--- I have just completed the process of Self-Adjudication and Publication last month, and the real estate broker we work with told me that I have to wait for another 2 years before the title can be transferred to my name-- as this is the time it takes to allow any "claimants" to the property (of course we don't expect any as I have no siblings). Is this true? 2 years to wait before the property can be transferred to my name? Does this mean for 2 years I cannot sell the property should I wish to due to money issues?


2House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Empty Re: House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:08 pm



that's not correct; the title can now be transferred to you after payment of due taxes, but there will be an annotation on the title that if any other heir appears within the next 2 years, they have the right to invalidate the self-adjudication.

3House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Empty Re: House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:17 pm


Arresto Menor

Does this mean I can sell the property even before 2 years has lapsed?

4House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Empty Re: House and Lot: Self-Adjudication Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:38 am


Arresto Mayor

Mc2012 wrote:Does this mean I can sell the property even before 2 years has lapsed?

I agree with attyLLL. The title may already be transferred to your name, but the RD would make an anotation regarding the 2 year period. And yes, you can sell the property, but the that sale would subject to any claims that may arise within the 2 year period.

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