My late parents left our home (House and Lot) to me as the only child-- They died 7years/16 years ago (dad/mom) with no last will and testament, and only now did I know that I have to file an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication plus Publication (over 3 weeks) to have the title annotated and transferred from my parents' name to my name--- I have just completed the process of Self-Adjudication and Publication last month, and the real estate broker we work with told me that I have to wait for another 2 years before the title can be transferred to my name-- as this is the time it takes to allow any "claimants" to the property (of course we don't expect any as I have no siblings). Is this true? 2 years to wait before the property can be transferred to my name? Does this mean for 2 years I cannot sell the property should I wish to due to money issues?