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What if an employee goes AWOL?

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1What if an employee goes AWOL? Empty What if an employee goes AWOL? Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:15 pm


Arresto Menor

I'm working as a Head Teacher po for an Online ESL Company and I'm working Home-based, we have been operating on a small scale for around 2 years or so and we have hired some teachers in Cebu but we are leasing Seats for them in a Small Call Center Set up. We have not gone through the Registration process yet since the business is not yet stable but we want to look into the process of starting to make it legal.
One immediate issue though is that one of the teachers decided to go AWOL and is now wanting to claim salary and 13th month privileges. She has worked for the company around 6 months already. The problem is because we incurred a lot of financial damages because she did not give a 30 day notice, my boss does not want to give her her Back wages for the half month she worked last July and wants to sue for legal damages instead. What should be our legal action in this case? Thanks so much for your help in advance!

2What if an employee goes AWOL? Empty Re: What if an employee goes AWOL? Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:22 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Pay the teacher what is due and move on.

Think of the consequences if she files a complaint that you are not registered properly.

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