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URGENT. Withdrawal of employment

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1URGENT. Withdrawal of employment Empty URGENT. Withdrawal of employment Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:51 am

Jam Ocampo

Arresto Menor

Hi! I really need some help. I'm actually a fresh grad and I got this job last friday (a one day process) then I started on monday. I went there hoping and expecting for some training but the whole day, all I did was to monitor or observe what they are doing. Although, when I asked them some questions they are answering me but still busy with their work that's why I am quite disappointed with my first day. Actually, my parents doesn't want me to continue it anymore since the day I went home and told them that I already signed the contract. Yesterday, I decided to withdraw my employment with them, the HR told me that I should make a resignation letter then make sure that my team leader will signed it. I talk to my team leader and I told her my situation that I can no longer continue it or iwwithdraw ko na but she told me na di niya issigned yung letter kase ilalagay daw ako sa "black list". She told me na kausapin ko parents ko about that pero paguwi ko yesterday, sbe ng family ko magAWOL na lang daw ako today. I can't decide what to do po. Ano po bang maiaadvise nyo? Ano bng pwedeng consequence na harapin ko? Meron bng mggng legal issues about that? PLEASE HELP. Thank you and GODBLESS.

2URGENT. Withdrawal of employment Empty Re: URGENT. Withdrawal of employment Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:02 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You're a fresh graduate.

You expect too much for a first day at work.

Depending on the type of work you do and the company or industry, you just don't go into the job right away or go into "training" (as you describe or expect it).

The observation and monitoring is part of the learning process, you get trained as well by that.

You have signed the contract, and you weren't forced, so if you want to leave, you must give proper notice.

The Civil Code says -

Art. 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and law.

Check the employment contract and/or job offer regarding resignation.

Going AWOL on your first job isn't an ideal way to start your career. You may be liable for damages and other penalties.

Then you'd have to consider also that you should be grateful you already have a job. Most others would jump at that opportunity to earn.

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