I was hired in a company and signed the Job Offer and Contract then they provided the pre-employment requirements that I need to comply prior to my on-boarding. They have this promissory note which is part of pre-employment requirements. The promissory note states that I need to pay 1million pesos in case of violation of 2 clauses in company policies. I need to sign the promissory note and have it signed with 1 co-maker. The problem is, no one wants to sign as my co-maker. I asked the HR if I can proceed with my employment even without submitting the promissory note. HR replied that it is a mandatory requirement and failure to comply will delay my commencement date. Since no one wants to sign as my co-maker and this is a mandatory pre-employment requirement as per HR, I withdraw my application/employment with them since I wont be able to complete the pre employment requirments. Then HR got back to me and told to be ready to face legal consequences for withdrawing my application/employment, as per them I'm already bounded by the contract because I already signed them.
Please advise the action that I need to take in case they file a legal case against me.