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OJT rights against verbally abusive manager

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Arresto Menor

Hi, this didn't happen to me but to my sister. I'm asking for advice if we should pursue any legal action against her manager even if she is just a trainee.

My sister is an on-the-job trainee in one of the most known hotels in Metro Manila. She's studying in one of the top universities in Manila as an HRM student. OJT is part of their curriculum. She'll be graduating this June. Her OJT started last March and will end tomorrow, May 31, 2016.

We, her family, were not aware of her problem until almost two weeks ago when she went home bawling her eyes out. Emotional breakdown, if I may say. She said she had been keeping it for so long and she didn't want us to worry. She also don't want to bring home the stress from work but alas, she reached her breaking point. When she went home again crying tonight.

Before the breakdown, she had been complaining to us but we didn't thought it would bear so much pain for her because she made it seem that she's strong enough to carry it (we also know she is a strong person). The breakdown proved otherwise.

Here's what I've gathered from her regarding her female manager:

  1. She's verbally abusing her in the office everyday. Not just my sister, but the other employees as well. She's known for that in that hotel, not just in her department.
  2. My sister is the longest trainee (~3 months) who has endured the abusive manager. Usually it just takes days or weeks for trainees to ask to be transferred to another department. The manager is known to make trainees cry.
  3. Manager belittles, shouts, and implies that my sister is bobo and tanga. My sister said that "kahit 'di niya dinidiretso, pinakamukha niya sa 'kin na bobo ako."
  4. The manager harshly scolds my sister each time she forgets one thing on the list of tasks she has to do and when my sister doesn't get a perfect score on her quiz (I don't have any idea what the quiz is about, but the manager loves to give this one). The manager said that it's okay to ask or to clarify things, but when my sister does, she scolds her for not listening well.
  5. The manager is threatening not to sign her OJT completion form because she's not satisfied with her performance.

I don't know if that is considered normal, but for an everyday setting I don't think that is. It's unhealthy, and it's taking toll on her emotional health. Not being bias, but I know my sister is competent and strong. Even her grades are good. It's a feat just to enter the known hotel. The other employees under that manager know that my sister is doing okay and the manager is always just magnifying her faults.

Hope you could advice any helpful actions regarding this. Do we have a strong case? Is there something we could do against the manager? Thank you very much!

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